Update 2023-07-13: We have once again spent a summer searching for a bigger replacement yacht but not suceeded this time either.
We have though learnt that it has to be something similar. RM or JPK basically.
But RM did not do a good job for us with the RM 1260/1270 or 1180. When RM or JPK will make the following boat we will revert to sales/buy mode:
LOA 11,99m (and no 1,2 m very narrow unwalkable bowsprit)
Width 4m
Mast height 18m
Draft 2m
Separate shower
New price well equiped max €300000.
which is probably never, at least price wise, so, no caRaMell is currently not for sale.
End of update
RM 1060 No 6 is still for sale. We have had lots of interest and even down payments but since we live aboard from April to September a sell must be coordinated with us finding a bigger replacement boat and this has not been possible, especially during these crazy last years with no used boats available at reasonable prices and new boat prices becoming totally impossible. So we will only sell if we have a replacement available so interested buyers must be prepeared to act quickly, especially during April to September.
Boat is in excellent condition and with very unique and comprehensive equipment. 50000+€ invested since 2018. It is based in Gothenburg, Sweden, and normally cruising in Sweden, Denmark and Germany.
A comprehensive description:
Contact: abengs@live.com
Il reste de la place pour les stages énergie à bord qui se dérouleront les 28 février et 01 mars à l’île Tudy.
Pour s'inscrire : https://rm-asso.org/stages-energie-bretagne
Pour s'inscrire : https://rm-asso.org/stages-energie-bretagne
RM 1060 n°6 (2011) CARAMELL à vendre (n'est plus à vendre)
- AndersBengs
- Membre
- Messages : 29
- Inscription : 28 mai 2018, 18:47
- Bateau : Caramell, RM 1060, n° 6
- Localisation : Göteborg
- AndersBengs
- Membre
- Messages : 29
- Inscription : 28 mai 2018, 18:47
- Bateau : Caramell, RM 1060, n° 6
- Localisation : Göteborg
Re: RM 1060 n°6 (2011) CARAMELL à vendre
Update 2023-07-13: We have once again spent a summer searching for a bigger replacement yacht but not suceeded this time either.
We have though learnt that it has to be something similar. RM or JPK basically.
But RM did not do a good job for us with the RM 1260/1270 or 1180. When RM or JPK will make the following boat we will revert to sales/buy mode:
LOA 11,99m (and no 1,2 m very narrow unwalkable bowsprit)
Width 4m
Mast height 18m
Draft 2m
Separate shower
New price well equiped max €300000.
which is probably never, at least price wise, so, no caRaMell is currently not for sale.
End of update
We have though learnt that it has to be something similar. RM or JPK basically.
But RM did not do a good job for us with the RM 1260/1270 or 1180. When RM or JPK will make the following boat we will revert to sales/buy mode:
LOA 11,99m (and no 1,2 m very narrow unwalkable bowsprit)
Width 4m
Mast height 18m
Draft 2m
Separate shower
New price well equiped max €300000.
which is probably never, at least price wise, so, no caRaMell is currently not for sale.
End of update
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